What are you ACTUALLY doing to move the needle on diversity and inclusion in your organization?
Change and growth start with understanding and that's what our blogs and vlogs will provide. Check-in weekly as our experts share their knowledge and unique perspectives. Our blogs and vlogs will feel like the honest sit-down conversation that you know you needed but didn't know how to start.
"Do you have a cup of privilege I can borrow?"
Don't let your company be the next Wells Fargo when it comes to searching for Black talent.
60% is good enough for him...why isn't it for you?
The life-changing lesson a year in Abu Dhabi taught me...that I still use today
Critical thinking is...critical! Let's teach folks how to do it.
Y'all really out here acting like you can't rap every Uncle Luke song ever made...OK, got it!
'Rona is teaching us all there is more than one way to do things....so our BGM fun continues online
Part 2 - Brilliant, Beautiful and Bae-less...let's change that with the flirting game.
Brilliant, Beautiful and Bae-less...let's change that.
Let's talk about hair...celebrating The Crown Act - BONUS BLOG
I may not be everyone's cup of tea...
Actually, It's Christiana!
Happiness is Non-Negotiable.
Our Truths